Basic Session Management
- Create a New Session:
tmux new -s session_name
Or within an active session:
:new-session -s session_name
Window (Page) Management
Create a New Window (Page):
Ctrl-b c
Switch Between Windows (Pages):
Ctrl-b n
— This moves to the next window.
Ctrl-b p
— This moves to the previous window.
Ctrl-b w
— This lists all windows and allows you to select one to switch to.
Ctrl-b <window number>
— This directly switches to the window by its number. -
Rename a Window:
Ctrl-b ,
— This allows you to rename the current window. -
Close a Window (Page):
Ctrl-b &
— This closes the current window.
Pane Management (Dividing a Window)
Split Window Vertically:
Ctrl-b %
— This splits the current window into two panes side by side. -
Split Window Horizontally:
Ctrl-b "
— This splits the current window into two panes, one above the other. -
Switch Between Panes:
Ctrl-b o
— This cycles through open panes in the current window.
Ctrl-b ;
— This toggles between the last two active panes.
Ctrl-b ←, →, ↑, ↓
— This navigates between panes in the respective direction. -
Resize Panes:
Ctrl-b Ctrl ←, →, ↑, ↓
— Resize pane.
Ctrl-b :resize-pane -D
— Resize pane downwards.
Ctrl-b :resize-pane -U
— Resize pane upwards.
Ctrl-b :resize-pane -L
— Resize pane to the left.
Ctrl-b :resize-pane -R
— Resize pane to the right. -
Close a Pane:
Ctrl-b x
— This closes the current pane.
Session Management
Detach from Session:
Ctrl-b d
— This detaches you from the current session, leaving it running in the background. -
Reattach to a Session:
tmux attach -t session_name
List Sessions:
tmux ls
— This lists all sessions
Ctrl-b s
— This lists all sessions, allowing you to switch between them. -
Kill a Session:
Ctrl-b :kill-session -t session_name